Where is Brian Wilkins?

Wilkins v. PayPal, Inc., 23-cv-02931-VKD | Casetext Search + Citator

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Mystery not resolved, possibly illuminated further, but probably only deepened, almost 10 months since his last post on The Covid Blog”.

HS & Shane, in comments below, recently shared news of an obituary for a Brian A. Wilkins, Mesa AZ, died on Christmas Eve, ’23. Obit post on everloved.com created by his ‘uncle’, Stanley: https://everloved.com/life-of/brian-wilkins/timeline/

No memorial date, cause of death, additional bio, photos, or any other info is given. Wilkins is/was from Iowa, but went to college and may have stayed living in AZ since, so that lines up, and the year of birth given, 1975, would seem to be about right.

In light of the super-limited nature of the info with the obit, it doesn’t mean anyone died, it could just be cover and mean the ‘Brian Wilkins’ assignment ended (if he was/is in intelligence). If he did die, though, and was who he portrayed himself to be, then foul play seems likely, as he was not injected, was fairly young, very fit, and someone like him would/should have mentioned he was sick, or so I would’ve thought.

Maybe the ‘uncle’ would respond if contacted: https://everloved.com/members/stanley-wilkins/ Strongly doubt it.

If not, and if the Mesa coroner’s or medical examiner’s or office of vital statistics do not have or will not provide some documentation about this man’s identity and death, then this is a legitimate task for a private investigator to sleuth out at this point, and a very disquieting situation.

ORIGINAL POST (03.15.24, 5:26 PM, UTC+0):

Like the Ice Age Farmer, another independent journo-blogger, Brian Wilkins, of The Covid Blog, has gone off the radar, making his last posts on his main site and any social media on or around Nov. 17th of ’23, and not responding to comments or messages on his SM, or to email or donation messages (at least to mine) since then.

The most recent outside information I readily found via search engines is about the linked case between him & PayPal, one he apparently lost, and which involves a substantial financial judgement against him.

Perhaps the legalities of this case (possibly under appeal?) prevent him from, or make it wise for him to stop posting, and without notice? It’s pretty odd. Even the IAF made a video post indicating clearly that all was not well in his world before dropping out of view.

If anyone knows anything, please leave a comment, or email me at deadmessenger (at) mailfence (dot) com

UPDATE: Land address & phone number (should anyone want to try either: from https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67502186/parties/wilkins-v-paypal-inc/

Addressing the Conundrum

“There were no laws in Oceania”-just as NO LAWS were broken by Assange (or Alex Jones, or Trump); and there were NO LAWS making us get masked, or stand 6 feet apart, or (worst of all) get “vaccinated”

The targeted are “guilty”-but of what? The government, & “our free press”/Big Tech have SAID they’re “guilty,” so they are; and there were/are NO LAWS that pushed the lethal “COVID measures”

Increasingly now I am aware of, as described in this linked documentary, the staggering amount of time, effort and money perpetually being expended on unsuccessfully fighting off totalitarianism, where collectivism of all stripes always leads. The endless whack-a-mole of that dynamic, how easy it is to completely hijack people’s lives in that never-ending defense, should they choose to engage with such a hopeless and exhausting battle.

It strikes me that the ‘democracy’ model of collectivism is an exceptional one in its ability to create an illusion of participation and control in the minds of those embracing it, offering as it does the theoretical ‘remedies’ and occasional ‘victories’ of court rulings and election results, the theatre of legislative hearings, and the ability to vent and root via one’s media outlet of choice, whether Fox or MSNBC, say, in the U.S. It’s incredibly effective.

All the while ground is constantly lost in the overall. Defeated ballot measures and court rulings can immediately be and perpetually are re-introduced and appealed and overturned, and, almost no one in public service is in any way accountable for their actions, ever bears any risk for their actions. Anyone attempting to engage with that for very long is likely to be exhausted fairly quickly, and to very little effect.

So, disengagement with and rejection of this paradigm and the tsunami of distractions and encroachments upon natural rights would seem the only way forward. How best to do that, I wonder (and above all else at this point)?

About ‘Next Time’ and Reaching People

I received an email this morning from a list I’m on asking for advice from the group about how to best reach people still adhering to the sanctioned c19 narrative (and including this creepy, if clever graphic – not Safeway’s own):

“WARNING! from a cousin of mine
Would Love Your Help!!!
MAY 28

Among my many emails this morning came this WARNINGCovid will still be here this summer. – My internist recommends that I continue to get COVID vaccinations every six months. (Thanks Nurse Dee Dee for the graphic.) When I replied with a list of links, he replied that they must be QAnon Conspiracy Links.

What would you send someone to show the latest developments in a way that they couldn’t simply brush it off as Q conspiracies? Thank you for helping. I think there are still many people in this camp who could use some info that could get a crack in their defensive door?”

About this topic of ‘reaching people’, there are endless reasonable things the cousin (and any people of that mindset) could be shown, were he curious and at all skeptical (and aware) of all that has happened the past 4 years, but his mind is made and closed, he has indicated that clearly, and he is content with his position. I wouldn’t ever spend my time or energy on such people again, and it’s always immediately obvious who they are (and they are most everybody). Not as to persuasion to the alternate position, anyway.

There is, however, another, different position we who seek to see behind the curtain (and who accept that there is a curtain to see behind) could, and will likely need to, adopt with such people when this situation replays next, as it surely will, as Bill Gates has promised it will. An offensive position, no longer a pleading, ‘back on our heels’ defensive stance. The position these people take is one that condoned and approves of force to see it implemented and observed by all, that’s baked into that cake. They are sure they are right, and that the info they consume is entirely correct, and they assume without evidence that the state and the media are not corrupted, which they both fully are, and long have been, maybe always have been.

But, at least about much of what they believed, they were wrong, and the positions they supported caused direct harm, LOTS of it, worldwide, and which is ongoing, and there is no quantifiable value difference between a harm caused by a random pathogen or one caused by human action or social policy. Harm is harm, and they chose to definitively inflict it, cause it. It wasn’t a dice roll. The harm of lockdown was guaranteed. They chose to cause a myriad of harms to possibly avoid another, very minor, and potentially fictitious one. These are super dangerous, thoughtless people who should not be placated or appeased in any way, ever again. 

Such people have to be told bluntly that they erred, that they didn’t know anything certainly (none of us do or can), and do not have any authority to impose their will on others, and were not on the moral high ground. That they were lied to and given both faulty and fraudulent information, and that there was and is another mountain of legit research and anecdotal evidence that supports there being another valid side to the story, one which should at the very least give them pause, preclude ever again such certainty of belief and comfort in exercising sweeping coercion against others. They have to be told to back off, not remonstrated with in perpetuity. Their position is ultimately one of force and violence, and that should be acknowledged and accepted as a baseline anytime such people are engaged with.

We have to accept that some people cannot be reached – and don’t want to be. We can’t be pleading with such people further. That’s a futile waste of time and energy. Occasionally one sees someone with a light in their eyes, and one can spend one’s good energies on them. The rest, next time and from now on, I imagine we’ll have to get pretty hard with. 


No, It Has Not Always Happened.

Not at this rate. While it’s possible, of course, that NFL player Hamlin’s recent mid-game cardiac arrest was caused by the blow to his chest on the the preceding play, the incidence of professional athletes collapsing and dying in general (most without sustaining any blow) since the advent of the c19 injections about two years ago is the same as the 38 year span between 1966 and 2004, and half of those earlier deaths happened to athletes with pre-existing heart issues. So, that’s a multiple of between (depending on how many of the athletes since 2021 had pre-existing issues) a 19 to 38x higher incidence of athlete death since the injections started.

That’s just pro athletes. Maybe even more striking is all the children and adolescents dropping, and that effectively has NEVER happened at any noticeable frequency, but always being an exceptionally rare occurrence.

It’s not a coincidence, but a major and obvious correlation, and very likely causal, not Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, nor Happy Heart Syndrome, nor the ‘stress of it all’, and it’s not ‘baffling’. It’s the shots. Pfizer’s own documents list cardiac and clotting issues as expected adverse events, and so they are. They are, at the very least, what has changed, what is new and different, and surely the most plausible explanation of all the deaths of those that should not be dying.

Full paper can be viewed or downloaded as a pdf below.

Getting Harder To Ignore

Melbourne is a major Western city of the Anglo-Saxon ‘free’ and 1st world, so whatever happens, is happening there, is absolutely possible and perhaps slated to happen also elsewhere in like places of similar values and origins. So, if this isn’t a Rubicon crossing and point to become openly worried, then I wonder what would constitute that point? I suspect that for many no such point exists.
